
AgentBoard: AI Agent Visualization Toolkit Board Document

DeepNLP AgentBoard is a visualization toolkit (similar to Tensorboard to visualize tensors) to visualize and monitor the agent loops and key entities of AI Agents development, such as messages, tools/functions, workflow and raw data types including text, dict or json, image, audio, video, etc. You can easily add logs with agentboard together with various AI agent frameworks, such as AutoGen, Langgraph, AutoAgent.

You can install and import the ‘agentboard’ python package and use functions under a ‘with’ block. See quickstart for install and run agentboard See full details of Quickstart.

agentboard tool function

AgentBoard Supported AI Agent Loop Elements and Data Types

Functions DataType Description
ab.summary.messages message List of messages, json format [{“role”: “user”, “content”: “content_1”}, {“role”: “assistant”, “content”: “content_2”}]
ab.summary.tool function User defined functions, The schema of the functions which are passed to LLM API calling, Support OpenAI and Anthropic stype
ab.summary.agent_loop str User defined Agent Loop with various stages PLAN/ACT/REFLECT/etc
ab.summary.RAGPipeline str RAGPipeline is a class to wrap the RAG input(query, query embedding) and RAG output (docs, relevance score), etc and display the workflow in agentboard
ab.summary.text str Text data, such as prompt, assistant responded text
ab.summary.dict dict Dict data, such as input request, output response, class dict
ab.summary.image tensor Support both torch.Tensor and tf.Tensor, torch.Tensor takes input shape [N, C, H, W], N: Batch Size, C: Channels, H: Height, W: Width; tf.Tensor, input shape [N, H, W, C], N: Batch Size, H: Height, W: Width, C: Channels. tensor Support torch.Tensor data type. The input tensor shape [B, C, N], B for batch size, C for channel, N for samples. tensor Support torch.Tensor data type. The input tensor shape should match [T, H, W, C], T: Number of frames, H: Height, W: Width, C: Number of channels (usually 3 for RGB)

AgentBoard Supported Web Interface GUI for AI Agents Simulation, Autonomous Planning

agentboard summary messages function

Web Inteface AI Agent Roles Description
X(twitter) Style Social Media Normal Users AI Agents performs the role of normal users, who can interact with the GUI, e.g. Post on X (twitter), Comment, Reply, Like, Follow, etc on the website interface through APIs
X(twitter) Style Social Media Website Admin AI Agents performs the role as the website admin and audit post content to see if it violates community standards
X(twitter) Style Social Media Website Automatic Comment Bot AI Agents perform the role as automatic replying robot to posts that other AI Agents publish


    name: str, 
    data: list, 
    agent_name = None,
    process_id = None,

agentboard summary messages function

See full details of ab.summary.messages

Logs format for ab.summary.messages

{"data": "[{\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"hello\"}, {\"role\": \"assistant\", \"content\": \"Hola! My name is bot.\"}, {\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"Please help me summarize the stock market news.\"}]", "name": "Chatbot Messages", "data_type": "messages", "timestamp": 1732092955096, "workflow_id": "1df86095-85f3-4287-b3e1-ba26fd666524", "process_id": "chat", "agent_name": "chatbot"}


    name: str, 
    data: list, 
    agent_name = None,
    process_id = None,

agentboard tool function

See full details of ab.summary.tool

Logs format for ab.summary.tool

{"data": "{\"type\": \"function\", \"function\": {\"name\": \"calling_bing_tools\", \"description\": \"\", \"parameters\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"keyword\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"limit\": {\"type\": \"integer\"}}, \"required\": [\"keyword\", \"limit\"]}}}", "name": "calling_bing_tools", "data_type": "tool", "timestamp": 1732092955096, "workflow_id": "af2888b4-18b9-4238-8b8b-c04707762c61", "process_id": "act", "agent_name": "agent 2"}


    name: str, 
    data: dict/str,
    agent_name = None,
    process_id = None,
    workflow_type = None,

Log Format for ab.summary.agent_loop

{"name": "INPUT", "data": "This is Plan Input of agent 1", "agent_name": "agent 1", "process_id": "PLAN", "data_type": "agent_loop", "timestamp": 1732158453846, "workflow_id": "defe2460-85aa-4ec4-88b9-cb7597f69f97", "workflow_type": "process", "duration": 0}
{"name": "EXECUTION", "data": "This is Execution stage of agent 1", "agent_name": "agent 1", "process_id": "PLAN", "data_type": "agent_loop", "timestamp": 1732158458847, "workflow_id": "62dba117-31b2-45e4-b576-525bebff48b0", "workflow_type": "process", "duration": 5}
{"name": "OUTPUT", "data": "This is Plan Output of agent 1", "agent_name": "agent 1", "process_id": "PLAN", "data_type": "agent_loop", "timestamp": 1732158458848, "workflow_id": "a1c98c01-027d-405b-b1ea-6334330f7da0", "workflow_type": "process", "duration": 0}
{"name": "DECISION", "data": "This is decision stage of agent 1", "agent_name": "agent 1", "process_id": "DECISION", "data_type": "agent_loop", "timestamp": 1732158472849, "workflow_id": "bd650777-24db-4c04-b679-8cb8f009e169", "workflow_type": "decision", "duration": 0}

agentboard tool function See full details of ab.summary.tool


class RAGPipeline(BasePipeline):

      def input(self, query, embedding, **kwargs):

      def output(self, docs, scores, key_doc_id="doc_id", key_content="content", key_doc_embedding="embedding", **kwargs):

      def write(self):

Log Format for ab.summary.RAGPipeline

{"data":{"input":{"query":["What is the definition of RAG technology?","Does RAG requires vector databases?"],"embedding":[[0.01244938040860566,0.29050192870195146,0.35846870002353104,0.4255249256606397,0.34859658991909703,0.8259580810521346,0.8799086593834341,0.0909663223925038,0.0664290448336915,0.8684512243398872,0.24275252828207627,0.6053749349837969,0.10277184022420616,0.15160244811104762,0.9211177224557924,0.6460383677047881,0.8399952040432428,0.6177520616730009,0.24892861042698167,0.9720899330906376,0.48128032879400107,0.700580373186484,0.7317606219615412,0.9421170205659436,0.5168538365476898,0.1651233890337026,0.4525652542089922,0.24217524072371177,0.7286741032495807,0.7375463596899732,0.3865245057710115,0.747169137523689,0.10594748754631478,0.2405720811006663,0.42036826068770516,0.08394147707122535,0.7503685394003087,0.46724019757237367,0.8565872464009568,0.7650736679828678,0.9399262166387848,0.7331785238575698,0.5853776636620075,0.49816003085179994,0.14043625714192465,0.5602843552960423,0.3078267538141649,0.907247535925652,0.4853723605989222,0.21321631564225274,0.08112650360102136,0.9260944410770651,0.8633190566853475,0.6916932163057159,0.43378450211523234,0.6488168787695957,0.15798503566621724,0.07808304825782508,0.1950978974780131,0.8955630698211432,0.3251061689173006,0.8187863409928545,0.9497917830281727,0.749740587921724],[0.7731199732512269,0.0634398365622314,0.8294447786376292,0.9267618254738501,0.39184205663781935,0.9392302775123739,0.8196949882263698,0.7136196656761187,0.34910817389510607,0.12161146925686073,0.02800658197674777,0.9795581800821481,0.017778234466341192,0.24432508648969375,0.2776659001181687,0.5151640536337115,0.06822125700225623,0.3242748178778353,0.13376736332577244,0.9426327360819707,0.8457120293016857,0.9982170117321161,0.6557491325878316,0.11085289936965192,0.7029394808031871,0.29344377953654066,0.6190821284401375,0.7928363086311202,0.4132547307966292,0.8703843991143014,0.7256471616134937,0.8942386333147452,0.7105236656038937,0.8040463890107213,0.3622514275016401,0.8913921555601777,0.13351284800638363,0.4452666159363472,0.8736534967089823,0.8292159624669527,0.8039379805461747,0.29424718185306764,0.5903357571407453,0.9232952265704848,0.7672172323356062,0.24520906895491945,0.22970941091936004,0.5230318667423794,0.2537327140010852,0.8034164746596311,0.4583229734216958,0.6411997523277642,0.376901080056242,0.9425854270775265,0.4460178137037374,0.38835539783316,0.11699805167087707,0.02304115130603146,0.9623791057289419,0.6201294645297425,0.3126067347318532,0.8010286587355127,0.792766204495168,0.6487157920513426]]},"output":{"docs":[[{"doc_id":10,"content":"queries - Discusses what information you should gather along with your test queries, provides guidance on generating synthetic queries and queries that your documents don't cover.Chunking phaseUnderstand chunking economics - Discusses the factors to consider when looking at the overall cost of your chunking"},{"doc_id":7,"content":"fields created from the content in the chunks to discrete fields, such as title, summary, and keywords.Embed chunks - Uses an embedding model to vectorize the chunk and any other metadata fields that are used for vector searches.Persists chunks - Stores the chunks in the search index.RAG design and evaluation"},{"doc_id":12,"content":"the different approaches to chunking like sentence-based, fixed-size, custom, large language model augmentation, document layout analysis, using machine learning modelsUnderstand how document structure affects chunking - Discusses how the degree of structure a document has influences your choice for a"},{"doc_id":20,"content":"by running multiple experiments, persisting, and evaluating the resultsStructured approachBecause of the number of steps and variables, it's important to design your RAG solution through a structured evaluation process. Evaluate the results of each step and adapt, given your requirements. While you should"},{"doc_id":18,"content":"groundedness, completeness, utilization, and relevancyUnderstand similarity and evaluation metrics - Provides a small list of similarity and evaluation metrics you can use when evaluating your RAG solutionUnderstand importance of documentation, reporting, and aggregation - Discusses the importance of"}],[{"doc_id":7,"content":"fields created from the content in the chunks to discrete fields, such as title, summary, and keywords.Embed chunks - Uses an embedding model to vectorize the chunk and any other metadata fields that are used for vector searches.Persists chunks - Stores the chunks in the search index.RAG design and evaluation"},{"doc_id":18,"content":"groundedness, completeness, utilization, and relevancyUnderstand similarity and evaluation metrics - Provides a small list of similarity and evaluation metrics you can use when evaluating your RAG solutionUnderstand importance of documentation, reporting, and aggregation - Discusses the importance of"},{"doc_id":10,"content":"queries - Discusses what information you should gather along with your test queries, provides guidance on generating synthetic queries and queries that your documents don't cover.Chunking phaseUnderstand chunking economics - Discusses the factors to consider when looking at the overall cost of your chunking"},{"doc_id":5,"content":"the query, packages them as context within a prompt, along with the query, and sends the prompt to the large language model. The orchestrator returns the response to the intelligent application for the user to read.The following is a high-level flow for a data pipeline that supplies grounding data for"},{"doc_id":16,"content":"- Discusses some key decisions you must make for the vector search configuration that applies to vector fieldsUnderstanding search options - Provides an overview of the types of search you can consider such as vector, full text, hybrid, and manual multiple. Provides guidance on splitting a query into"}]],"score":[[7.273412460159454,7.01658178076193,6.998966861431219,6.881677896695761,6.839106694043705],[7.299657416999697,7.035988395346784,6.983690027348195,6.931392305745279,6.901445864805283]],"key_doc_id":"doc_id","key_doc_content":"content","key_doc_embedding":"embedding"}},"data_type":"rag","timestamp":1732614851455,"workflow_id":"7facc19d-f218-4768-9e78-7cb359016b78","name":"RAG 1","agent_name":"Agent RAG","process_id":"RAG","workflow_type":"rag"}

agentboard tool function See full details of ab.summary.tool


    name: str, 
    data: str, 
    agent_name = None,
    process_id = None, 

agentboard text function

See full details of ab.summary.text

Logs format for ab.summary.text

{"data": "Please do image search with user input", "name": "Plan Start Prompt", "data_type": "text", "timestamp": 1732092914079, "workflow_id": "5ba41c57-2e44-4442-99c0-8c5e6c0fd0a0", "process_id": "plan", "agent_name": "agent 1"}


    name: str, 
    data: str, 
    agent_name = None,
    process_id = None, 

agentboard dict function

See full details of ab.summary.dict

Logs format for ab.summary.dict

{"data": "{\"arg1\": 1, \"arg2\": 2}", "name": "Plan Input Args Dict_0", "data_type": "dict", "timestamp": 1732092914079, "workflow_id": "67ae1656-4b9c-4aa5-8054-ec840b190220", "process_id": "plan", "agent_name": "agent 1"}


    name: str, 
    data: Tensor, 
    agent_name = None,
    process_id = None, 
    file_ext = ".png",

agentboard image visualization

agentboard image function

See full details of ab.summary.image

Logs format for ab.summary.image

{"data": "plan_input_image_0.png", "name": "plan_input_image_0", "data_type": "image", "timestamp": 1732092948859, "workflow_id": "b4b1f770-64a8-48b8-9906-9e6b62fc4198", "process_id": "plan", "agent_name": "agent 1"}
{"data": "plan_input_image_1.png", "name": "plan_input_image_1", "data_type": "image", "timestamp": 1732092948904, "workflow_id": "5db62e21-e0b3-4598-81dc-966597873695", "process_id": "plan", "agent_name": "agent 1"}
{"data": "plan_input_image_2.png", "name": "plan_input_image_2", "data_type": "image", "timestamp": 1732092948949, "workflow_id": "6331c2b0-d802-4446-9f6d-4162871b6efb", "process_id": "plan", "agent_name": "agent 1"}
    name: str, 
    data: torch.Tensor, 
    agent_name = None,
    process_id = None,
    file_ext = ".wav",
    sample_rate = 16000,

agentboard audio function

See full details of

Logs format for

{"data": "plan_input_audio_0.wav", "name": "plan_input_audio_0", "data_type": "audio", "timestamp": 1732092950091, "workflow_id": "e706e78f-eb92-49b7-8591-e543b01e1d23", "process_id": "plan", "agent_name": "agent 1"}
    name: str, 
    data: torch.Tensor, 
    agent_name = None,
    process_id = None,
    file_ext = ".mp4",
    frame_rate = 24,
    video_codecs = "mpeg4",

agentboard video function

See full details of

Logs format for

{"data": "demo_video.mp4", "name": "act_output_video", "data_type": "video", "timestamp": 1732092955095, "workflow_id": "553ccba7-a36a-49da-93da-df92a0765051", "process_id": "act", "agent_name": "agent 2"}


AgentBoard Supported Web Interface

1. X(twitter) Style Social Media Web Admin

Agent Normal Users

Agent Website Admin

Agent Website Automatic Comment Bot

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